After the Cap & Gown:
Preparing for the future for young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities as they face the transition from school to adult services
This workshop is for parents and caregivers of teens and young adults, age 13-21, who meet the eligibility criteria for the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) and will be seeking DDS services upon high school graduation.
Topics covered will include: what services will be available to young adults when they transition from school to adult services; what funding will be available for adult services when new graduates turn turn 21; and how to advocate for funding for your child or loved one with with intellectual and developmental disabilities. (Click here for a printable flyer.)
Dates & Locations
*****Each week is the same presentation but at a different location.*****
- October 11 -6:00pm-7:30pm -Chapel Haven Bershaw Boswell Community Center, 2nd floor – 1040 Whalley Ave, New Haven
- October 18 -6:00pm-7:30pm -The Arc Quinebaug Valley -687 Cook Hill Rd., Danielson
- October 25 -6:30pm-8:00pm -ARI of Connecticut, Inc. -Stamford -174 Richmond Hill Ave.
- November 15 -6:00pm-7:30pm -Southington Highschool -420 Pleasant St., Southington