Our Board and Staff


Phoenix Lombardi, President, plombardi@mydsact.org

Jason Messina, Treasurer, jmessina@mydsact.org

Beth Emerson, Secretary, bemerson@mydsact.org

Denise Curran, Director, dcurran@mydsact.org

Elaine Spatcher, Director, espatcher@mydsact.org

Theresa Martins, Director, tmartins@mydsact.org



Shanon McCormick, Executive Director, smccormick@mydsact.org

Patty Alessandro, First Call New Parent Coordinator,  firstcall@mydsact.org

Karen Sawyer, Operations Coordinator, ksawyer@mydsact.org

Kathleen Whitbread, Ph.D., Literacy Center Research and Training Coordinator, kwhitbread@mydsact.org

Melissa Bengtson, Senior Head Tutor, mbengtson@mydsact.org

Aimee Blair, Literacy Program Associate ablair@mydsact.org

Emily Kalenauskas, Advocacy Avengers, ekalenauskas@mydsact.org


Our board meetings are held every other month on Zoom or in person at the Midstate Arc

 200 Research Parkway, Meriden, CT

Times and dates are available on our calendar of events

Our EIN is 06-1176478

Our general email address is info@mydsact.org

Voice messages can be left at 888-486-8537